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Quality of Life Nurse Award

The Quality of Life Nurse Award will be given to a nurse who is improving the quality of life of their patients, other nurses, or making an impact on their community. The award of $500 will be given once per month and the recipient nurse will be recognized on the Quality of Life Planning® YouTube Channel on the first Thursday of each month at 12 PM CT.

Nominate a nurse today!

Our next nurse award will be made on the Quality of Life Planning® channel.

Check out the recipients:


March 2025 Recipient

Mary Bye, RN

January 2025 Recipient

Tayla Church, RN


April's Recipient: 

Amanda (Boyd) Payne, RN

June's Recipient:

Kaitia Charitable, DNP, MSN-Ed, RN-BC

August's Recipient:

Amy Madrigal, RN

October's Recipient:

Kasey Pacheco

December 's Recipient:

Samantha Benson

February 2025 Recipient:

Jenna Singh, MN, RN, PHN

May's Recipient:

Patience Gitau

July's Recipient:

Carli Kirchner, RN

September's Recipient:

Lori Kirchner, RN

November's Recipient:

Dr. Anna Sahadeo, DNP, FNP-BC, RN

January 2025 Recipient:

Tayla Church