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The New SAVE Plan and Different Student Loan Repayment Options for Nurses and Other Public Service Professionals Thumbnail

The New SAVE Plan and Different Student Loan Repayment Options for Nurses and Other Public Service Professionals

Unless you’ve been living your best, unbothered life on a remote island in Bali, then you know, the Supreme Court made the decision to block the Biden administration’s student debt relief plan. This plan would have permitted the discharge of up to $20,000 of federal student loans for approved applicants. The ruling, which was issued on June 30th, may have disrupted the plans of what the White House estimated to be $26 Million people2 who applied or were eligible for one-time debt relief. If you are one of those borrowers, here’s what you need to know about the new SAVE Repayment Plan and other Repayment Options to help you finally get rid of your student loans.

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Investing Outside of Retirement Accounts Thumbnail

Investing Outside of Retirement Accounts

Contributing to your employer-sponsored retirement plan is now a no-brainer. You’ve gotten settled with contributing and you are contributing enough to get your employer match. You feel like you should be doing more, but what does that look like? This is a common question we get, especially from young nurses. There is an urge to feel like you should be doing something else instead of just contributing to your 401(k).

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Should You Be Concerned About the Bank Failures? Thumbnail

Should You Be Concerned About the Bank Failures?

The recent failure of Silicon Valley Bank along with a couple other at-risk financial institutions has been well publicized in our crisis-du-jour media. We also learned Credit Suisse was bought out by UBS through a Swiss government facilitated sale. These tremors in the banking system have rightfully caused some concerns about the safety of cash reserves and potential impacts on markets.

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7 Tips to Pay Off Debt Quickly Thumbnail

7 Tips to Pay Off Debt Quickly

If paying off debt is your goal, you are not alone. The thought of paying off your debt may feel overwhelming. Some people ignore their debt as if it will magically go away if they don’t look at it. However, that’s not you. You are ready to take control of your financial life by getting out of debt.

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Start the New Year off Right Thumbnail

Start the New Year off Right

It's a new year! Many are excited about embarking upon New Year's resolutions and have set high goals for themselves. However, it is easy to get lost in the sauce and set goals based on what others say rather than what you truly want.

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